The Season of Giving

Our Mission Statement and a few words about giving.

Mending Waters Montana Fly Fishing, Inc., is dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of active military personnel and veterans through flyfishing, fly tying education, and outings, and education on the conservation, restoration, and improvements to Montana’s fisheries and their habitats.

It’s not too late to donate to your favorite charity. We here at Mending Waters Montana Fly Fishing understand that you give to several organizations and we encourage you to give locally.

Our mailing address is Mail to — Checks can be made payable to Mending Waters Montana Fly Fishing, Inc.  P.O. Box 1798, Helena, MT 59624.

In-kind Donations — Please contact us if you’d like to donate any new or gently-used fishing supplies or fly tying materials.

Deductibility Limitations to 501(c)(3) Groups

  • Individuals giving to 501(c)(3) organizations that are either public charities, private operating foundations, and certain private foundations may deduct contributions representing up to 50% of the donor’s adjusted gross income if the individual itemizes on his tax returns. The 1986 Tax Reform Act, which become effective January 1, 1987, does not allow non-itemizers to deduct charitable donations on their federal income tax returns.
  • Individuals giving to 501(c)(3) organizations that are private foundations may generally deduct contributions representing up to 30% of their adjusted gross income.
  • Corporations may deduct all contributions to 501(c)(3) organizations (regardless of foundation status) up to an amount normally equal to 10% of their taxable income.

It is time to make your charitable donations as to further Mending Waters Montana giving to soldiers and military personal in our many projects through out the year.

Fly Tying classes on Thursdays enters it’s 3rd year.This is a great program that a dozen soldiers attend and has become a strong MPHW Program.

Sunday’s at Fort Harrison VA Hospital. Working with PTSD soldiers of all ages. Fly Tying, Fly Casting, and Intro to Boat HAndling are all part of this weekly class.

Many MPHWFF Outings through out the year. Missouri River, Sun River, Rock Creek and others make up our yearly fishing trips for our soldiers. Some of these outing include up to 16 guests.

50+ soldiers attended outings this year and your donation helps with transportation costs, fishing gear, lodging, and meals for these vets.

We also give thanks for the “Boots on the Ground” folks who generously donate boats, guide trips, BBQ’s, casting clinics, shuttles, and many other items and services locally when we travel with soldiers and vets.

50+ vets were touched at the VA program at Ft. Harrison. Your donation pays for fly tying vises, materials, and practice rods for this revolving program. This program re-new’s every six weeks with new soldiers! We feel very fortunate to be able to help in the healing process.

We appreciate your generous donation to Project Healing Waters. You donation stays here in Montana and all monies go directly to helping soldiers and veterans.

Thanks again and if you need to get in touch with anybody within the volunteer group please go here CONTACT Project Healing Waters

Visit our primary site at

Mending Waters Montana Fly Fishing, Inc.  P.O. Box 1798, Helena, MT 59624